To implement its Corporate Social Responsibilities company has formed a committee comprising of its Managing Director and 3 other directors of the Company, who keep close look on Paras Industries Private Limited the fulfillment of goals which are set by company under its Corporate Social Responsibility Policy.

The CSR policy can accessed on the company’s website. However in short company’s philosophy towards Corporate Social Responsibilities are produced hereunder for reference:

Company Philosophy

  • Select initiatives that meet their priority needs.
  • Ensure participation of the people for whom the initiative is being undertaken.
  • To live in the society you have to give and take.
  • Train a woman and the whole family is trained.
  • Infrastructure development around the project like road construction and improvements, power line, water bore drillings and pump installations etc.
  • The company is committed to provide employment to the local people of the region
  • Providing hygienic conditions to the workers, employees, maintaining good health, proper safety measurements and equipments and overall working friendly atmosphere.